To get you started, we’d like to send you a free article that tells you what makes a truly amazing CV.


No. 1 CV Writing Service in New Zealand

Over 4000 Customers Served.

(09) 281 2675

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A candidate is made great when they are prepared for their job interview

Interview coaching and CV’s for recruitment agency candidates

What services do we provide?

Recruitment or talent sourcing agencies are some of those we work with. We assist in candidate preparation. They entrust us to produce industry specific CV’s to maximise candidate employability.

We also provide care of coaching to polish candidates for job interviews – whether there is a specific job description in mind or not.

King of CV produces industry specific CV’s on request for business, I.T., education, legal, advertising, fine arts, government, engineering, health, travel, tourism and telecommunications. CV’s are individualised and tailored to suit each person.

This goes to show the level of service we are proud to provide & trust the industry shows for us, which is all about helping talented people get the types jobs they want. If you are looking for a trusted partner with your recruitment agency, feel free to contact us. We have a successful track record.

Why Recruiters Use Us?

  • Quick and convenient for candidates to do it from home or work
  • Excellent knowledge over candidate presentation
  • Exceeds the standard for NZ and Australian CV’s
  • Flexibility, allowing us to ask them more questions if needed
  • Numerous experts including two researchers work on the CV
  • Interview coaching and career guidance available
  • Ask Now

We research

We interview the person to best understand what the candidate wants and identify their unique strengths.

We write

Our team of wordsmiths investigate the types of jobs they are applying to tailor the language to suit them perfectly.

We refine

To find the right fit, we listen to their feedback and make changes until they are absolutely happy.

You win.

The candidate is polished and has the best chance of becoming successful with the job application.

Some of Our Clients


Image courtesy of V | King of CV
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