In today’s competitive job market, those that go that one step further are often the ones that keep ahead of the pack.  You might have a CV that’s just not working for you, or perhaps you are looking for that “competitive edge” to give you that advantage.

A highly-targeted CV is best for hitting it on the head, first time.  It speaks directly to the recruiter in a language they recognise, and more importantly ties in your CV with their business, making it far easier for them to see how you could fit into their business.

Just by changing the wording in your employment history or qualifications, you could make your CV stand out a whole lot more to potential employers. It’s the same work history – by highlighting certain skills and attributes you can make all the difference.

Standard CV’s don’t stand out

Many jobseekers suffer the limitations of a “standardised” CV, one that changes little over time, other than a little tweak here and there.  Recruiters can often spot these out from a mile, and often swiftly disregard them.

If you have a whole load of jobs in your employment history that don’t relate to the job you are applying for, what difference does it make to the hiring manager?  It’s just filling up space, and taking up time. A good curriculum vitae should get your point across instantly – after all employers often have dozens to sift through.

You don’t have to start from scratch

The best part about tailored CV’s is that you don’t have to start from scratch each time, even just tailoring the career summary at the top of your resume is a good step. It’s the first thing that potential employers will read so it’s worth getting right, if nothing else.

Worth the effort

It can seem like a lot of effort to change your CV each time you apply for a new job.

If it is the difference between having a job, and not, where the most competitive jobs may have 100’s of applicants, each standard CV will read like the rest.

Think like the employer

One of the ways to think about personalizing your CV is to “think like the employer”.  This means using the “buzz words” that they use and come to expect.

By using their language, it makes it much quicker and easier for employers to see you fitting within their business, and pick up on the important points that matter to them.


Pros & Cons of a targeted CV

Who would take advantage of a targeted CV:

  • Has had a varied career
  • Anyone interested in changing their career
  • Has gaps in their employment history
  • Emphasis skills from previous jobs that you have not used in your current/most recent post.

Cons to a targeted CV

  • Some employers may not be used to the format
  • Some employers may feel a targeted CV is an attempt to hide something (i.e. gaps in your employment)