Your CV isn’t just an outline of your qualifications, skills, and experiences. It’s a marketing tool for your career. Therefore, it should express your personality and confidence in what you can deliver.
Nothing expresses confidence in your abilities better than showing off your achievements. You should brag about them, albeit subtly. You don’t need a psychologist to tell you what a mental pat on the back does for you. It boosts your feelings of self-esteem and self-efficacy which are essential for your future success.
As you work on your resume, reach out to a good CV writer who can help you express these aspects of your personality. Here’s more on why bragging is important for your CV.
Your CV is an Expression of Self-Confidence
For many job seekers, CVs appear like replicas of their job descriptions. A simple copy-paste of the functions, duties, and responsibilities. This does not just come out as generic, anyone in a similar role did the same thing, but it’s also a sign of laziness. That’s not the kind of message you want to convey to a potential employer.
You must demonstrate how you made a difference in your work.
Be active and expressive when describing your role at previous jobs. Use some achievements to help the reader visualize what a great job you did and help them see the impact. The clearer the image, the more he or she is likely to nod in agreement and want to read on. Any CV writer will tell you that recruiters like to read CVs from people who confidently spell out their achievements. But remember to keep it succinct.
It Boosts Your feelings of Self Esteem and Self Efficacy – Numbers Never Lie
Many people find it hard to quantify their achievements. They would rather go into lengthy descriptions of what they did and what they feel they achieved.
However, with a little help from a professional CV writer, you’ll find that you can find and express your achievements in digits. A closer look at your key performance indicators will give you a clearer picture of your achievements in number form. You can show:
- That you drove sales figures up.
- That you cut down costs.
- That you reduced the time taken for tasks.
- That you served more customers.
With metrics emerging in ‘previously unquantified’ fields due to advancements in technologies, there’s no good reason why you shouldn’t use numbers to describe your success. As you indicate the numbers, they portray you as a focused contributor to the company’s objective. This tremendously boosts your feelings of self-esteem and self-efficacy.
Your Achievements Make You Stand Out – Essential for Success
Although employment rates in New Zealand are amongst the best in the world, landing a top spot is becoming increasingly competitive. Your CV must not just look good, but you must stand out. Employers seek to engage with people who can add value to their organizations. People who can make a difference.
That only comes from people who can stand out from the crowd.
Does your CV help you to stand out?
Chances of an employer inviting you for an interview increase sharply when your CV expresses your achievements confidently. This is the point of having a CV writer help